Faculty Contacts

The Prairie inspires art and natural exploration for many, and our initiative means to further those explorations. Take, for instance two images of items in the Beach Museum's holdings, created over 100 years apart: a Currier and Ives's Lithograph, "Prairie Hens", ca. 1870 (this image) and a photo by Patricia Duncan of the Prairie Hen, entitled "Greater Prairie Chicken - Flint Hills #37" (Copyright held by the Beach Museum, the image below). Each highlights the Prairie Hen through vivid artistry and great interest for representing them in their native environment, the Prairie.

The Prairie inspires art and natural exploration for many, and our initiative intends to further those explorations. Above: Currier and Ives, "Prairie Hens", Lithograph, ca. 1870. Below: Patricia Duncan, "Greater Prairie Chicken - Flint Hills #37." chromogenic print, date unknown

Patricia Duncan Image of the Prairie Hen

Here is a list of faculty interested in helping students, community members and other scholars learn more about the Prairie Studies initiative and related opportunities.

Join our public mailing list by notifying ksuprairiestudies@ksu.edu.